martedì 26 maggio 2015

SuperCity-Puppets Quest

Puppets I

480 Bows (Flower Kiosk)
100 Rhinestones (Shopping Center)
72 Rolls of Foil (Pizza House)

Puppets II

24 Jingles (Sushi Bar)
360 Eleven Boots (Shoe Shops)
60 Clown’s Noses (Ask)
Reward for Puppets Part 1 and 2 you will receive 5 batches of 45 energy bottles and 35000 coins.

Puppets III

42 Sorcerer’s Hats (Textile Factory -- Velvet)
350 Buttons (Colonial Houses)
84 Blankets (Ask)

Puppets IV

42 Pirate Bandannas (Pub)
14 Combs (Fashion Boutique)
42 Eye Patches (Drugstores)
Reward for Puppets Pt 3 and Pt 4 quests you will receive a Balloon Stall and a Tree with Lanterns.

Puppets V

320 Stars (Mansion, Hotel, Villa)
160 Cowboy Vests (Dairy Farm--Milk)
64 Feathered Caps (Ask)

Puppets VI

110 Fake Fangs (Cinema)
180 Foils (Neighbor Drop)
90 Black Paints (Ask)

Puppets VII

36 Trophies (Administration)
144 Fishing Line Reels Shopping Centers)
540 Spools of Thread (Any - Textile Factory)
Reward for the Puppets Pt 5, Pt 6, Pt 7 quest you will receive a Cosmetics Boutique.

Puppets VIII

80 Cherry pies (Candy Factory)
100 Tarts (Coffee Houses)
120 Pumpkin Pies (Luxury Apartments)

Puppets IX

300 Invitations (Stationery Shops)
50 Inks (School)
200 Excursion tickets (drop from the buildings in your friends’ cities)

Puppets X

500 Forest Bell-flowers (Flower Kiosks)
40 Textbooks (Bookshop)
100 Candy Bars (ask friends)
Reward for Puppets Pt 9 and Pt 10 quests you will receive a Candy Factory

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