lunedì 9 marzo 2015


Part 1:

Grow (20) Potatoes (8h - Farm)
Craft (12) Velvet (10h - Textile Factory)
Use (5) Drills (Ask)

Part 2:

Grow (15) Watermelons
Craft (2) Monitors (48h - Electronics Plant)
Craft (4) Concrete Slabs (Cargo)

Part 3:

Save 50,000C
Train (3) Designer1
Craft (6) Wooden Beams (Cargo)

Bookshop I:

Collect (3) Planks
Collect (6) Nails (Neighbor drop)
Collect (5) Books (School)

Bookshop II:

Collect from Stationary Shop (3) times
Collect from Coffee House (3) times
Collect (6) Leather Sofa (Colonial House / Hostel)

Bookshop III:

Collect (6) Paper Tapes (Bakery)
Collect (15) Leaflets (1h Denim - Textile)
Use (4) Cash Registers (Ask)

Toy Shop I:

Train (5) Builder1
Use 105,000 (Poof!)
Collect (3) Concrete Slabs (Cargo)

Toy Shop II:

Grow (25) Corn
Collect 100C
Collect (10) Diamonds (Mansion)

Toy Shop III:

Train (6) Designer1
Collect (10) Cans of Paint (Family House / Ranch / Hotel)
Use (7) Fairy Lights (Ask)

Toy Shop IV:

Collect 2,500 G
Collect (15) Star1
Collect (10) Trophy1

Toy Shop V:

Collect (12) Bags of Chips (Random from Potatoes)
Collect (9) Sandwiches (Pub)
Use (7) Juice (Ask)

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