domenica 9 aprile 2017

FarmVille- Opal’s Kingdom Chapter 8:Things Where They Belong!

DISPONIBILE DAL  17/04/2017  AL 24/04/2017

Get 7 Mystical Fin

Harvest 80 Sea Green Plant 

Craft 3 Amazonite Beads
Rewards: 430 Opal Points, 1 Starry Pearl Tree and 3000 Coins
Share: Conch Shells 

Get 8 Pearly Clam

Harvest 120 Sea Pen

Craft 3 Topaz Gemstone

Rewards: 440 Opal Points, 1 Jelly Glow Lamp and 3500 Coins
Share: Star Shovel

Get 9 Aqua Cloak

Harvest 80 Elk Horn Coral

Craft 2 Hyacinth Rock

Rewards: 450 Opal Points, 1 Luminescent Horn Bull and 4000 coins
Share: Crystal Shard 

Get 9 Mythical Relic

Harvest 120 Pillar Coral 

Craft 2 Fluorite Stones

Rewards: 460 Opal Points, 1 Seashell Chicken and 4500 coins
Share: Conch Shells 

Get 10 Coral Pendant

Harvest 140 Salt Water Coral

Craft 3 Emerald Bow
Rewards: 470 Opal Points, 1 Mandarin Colored Seal and 5000 coins
Share: Star Shovel

Get 12 Wish Potion

Harvest 160 Iridescent Fishtail

Craft 2 Aquamarine Crown

Rewards: 480 Opal Points, 1 Vibrant Pattern Pegasus and 5500 coins
Share: Crystal Shard

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